San Francisco Conservation Corps Gives Challenge of Outgrown Accounting to LTD Global

Reimbursement claims in gridlock  and income at a standstill

San Francisco Conservation Corps (SFCC) was struggling to keep on top of financial reporting, behind in paying its bills and unable to claim millions of dollars in reimbursements from grants. Any business would find these challenges daunting, but SFCC, a nonprofit that provides on-the-job training and education for young adults, is not a regular business. 

In addition to a standard nonprofit staff, SFCC employs 60-100 or more young adults at any point in the year. They earn paychecks while learning basic job skills on projects to maintain and improve San Francisco. “Our HR side is complicated,” says Marilee Eckert, executive director.

Finance and HR support 

SFCC readily identified its need for help with its financials. LTD Global (LTD):

  • Established documentation and recordkeeping practices
  • Helped SFCC catch up on bill payments, resolve an audit backlog and create budgets for grants
  • Advised a cadence of interim reporting to grantors to reliably receive funds after incurring expenses
  • Demonstrated how to record reimbursements properly

LTD also helped SFCC make HR changes to accommodate its complexities. 

“It’s been a crazy ride ever since COVID hit,” Eckert says. SFCC was designated an essential business and immediately needed to address social distancing guidelines and requests for remote work arrangements. The new normal for SFCC meant some staff turnover, and LTD provided interim staffing. 

Productive, vigilant finance and HR with high expectations 

“The organization was at risk of losing grants and not being certified by the state agencies which would have led to shutting the doors,” Eckert says. Since engaging LTD, SFCC is fully functional and growing, with new projects and an increased budget of $7 million. 

“We’re turned around,” she says. “We’re still a work in progress, but our business operations are now stable and solid. Since SFCC has new staff members in both Finance and HR, it is helpful to have support and guidance from LTD to make sure we don’t backslide in these areas,” she continues. 

LTD Global can help you remedy finances in trouble or navigate complex workplaces with employee-sensitive HR policies. Through our two-plus decades’ experience, we have lent structure to incomplete documentation practices and resolved payment and audit backgrounds. We have also created programs to ensure you have the team to fulfill your critical functions today and tomorrow. 

Get a complimentary assessment. Call us today at (925) 598-0056.